The Problems and Solutions of the Guarantor Pending Trial in our Country 我国取保候审措施存在的问题及其对策
If the criminal suspect is arrested, the appointed lawyer may apply on his behalf for obtaining a guarantor pending trial. 犯罪嫌疑人被逮捕的,聘请的律师可以为其申请取保候审。
If a criminal suspect or defendant who should be arrested is seriously ill or is a pregnant woman or a woman breast-feeding her own baby, he or she may be allowed to obtain a guarantor pending trial or be placed under residential surveillance. 对应当逮捕的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,如果患有严重疾病,或者是正在怀孕、哺乳自己婴儿的妇女,可以采取取保候审或者监视居住的办法。
The paper analyses the problems of the guarantor pending trial and puts on the relevant countermeasures. 对取保候审中存在的问题,应根据实际情况予以具体分析对待。
The person who has obtained a guarantor pending trial or who is under residential surveillance and the units concerned shall be notified of the termination immediately. 解除取保候审、监视居住,应当及时通知被取保候审、监视居住人和有关单位。
THE demise of a call-girl ring and pending trial of an alleged madam claiming thousands of clients has the US capital riveted. 一个电话应招女郎们集团的灭亡以及一名被指拥有数千名客户的啊女士吸引了整个美国首都华盛顿的目光。
A guarantor pending trial should have its good legal effect and social effect for its non-arresting. 我国刑事诉讼法规定的非羁押强制措施之一取保候审,它的实施应有其良好的法律效果和社会效果。
The practice of allowing defendants to be released from jail pending trial originated in Anglo-Saxon law. 允许被告人从狱中释放等候判决的惯例起源于英国法律。
The difficulty in guaranteed pending trial has been the chronic malady that puzzles China criminal lawsuit, whose disorder and unsuitability in application has been the focus of society. 取保候审难是困扰我国刑事诉讼的痼疾,其在适用上的无序、不当也成为社会各界关注的焦点。
Chen later surrendered to police, pending trial on his criminal role not only in the PAI case but also for the kidnapping of a Peitou businessman, numerous rapes and oct.23 plastic surgery clinic triple murder. 陈进兴稍后向警方投降,他犯案不但包括了白晓燕绑架撕票案,还包括北投商人绑架案,多起强暴案和10月23日整形外科诊所3尸谋杀案。
Starting from the problems in the judicial practice, the author studies the foundational theories and explores the litigation value and function of the guaranteed pending trial; 笔者从司法实践中的问题出发,对取保候审制度的基础理论进行研究,对取保候审的性质、功能和诉讼价值等作了探讨。
The first part of this article has elaborated our country guaranteed pending trial system historical evolution and the legal origin; 本文第一部分阐述了我国取保候审制度的历史演进与法律渊源;
The fourth part elaborates our country guaranteed pending trial system rationale and the lawsuit value; 第四部分论述了我国取保候审制度的理论基础和诉讼价值;
A suit pending trial in a foreign court can be submitted to a Thai court having jurisdiction over it. 在外国法院待审的案件还可向有管辖权的泰国法院提交;
The system of the guarantor pending trial was greatly improved and complemented when the Criminal Procedure Law was revised in1996. 1996年刑诉法修订时对我国取保候审制度进行较大的完善和补充;
Secondly the author introduces the history of guarantor pending trial. 其次,简述了我国取保候审制度的历史沿革。
In the criminal procedure our country established guarantor pending trial system is to ensure that investigation, prosecution, trial activities are conducted smoothly, to try to reduce the limits of the citizens 'personal freedom. 我国在刑事诉讼中确立取保候审制度是为了保证侦查、起诉、审判活动的顺利进行,尽量减少对公民人身自由的限制。
The lack of remedy of guarantor pending trial originates from omission of legislation. 实证研究反映了取保候审救济程序的缺失起因于立法的粗疏。
Nowadays, the system of guaranteed pending trial in China was highlighted in the field of criminal justice. 我国的取保候审制度是当前刑事司法领域非常关注的热点问题。